Studies on the Qur'an and Tafsir after Constitutional Period

The Second Constitutional era is an important period that needs to be examined from every angle. In this context, we tried to categorize studies on the Qur'an and tafsir, which were published in some of the religiously oriented journals of the period such as Beyânü'l-Hak, Cerîde-i Sûfiyye, Hikmet, Teârüf-i Müslimîn, Tasavvuf, İslâm Dünyası, İslâm Mecmuası, İrşâdü'l-Müslimîn, Habl-i Metîn, Mahfil and Mihrab. Hence, we tried to contribute to the study of late Ottoman literature on Qur'an and tafsir. In the scope of the afore-mentioned journals, we also tried to emphasize the aspects at which the Qur'anic and tafsir accumulation intensified.


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