The Journal: Ceride-i İlmiyye

Cerîde-i İlmiyye was published between 1914-1922 as the official journal of Bâb-ı Meşîhat. It was published to announce the fatwas, judgements and decisions of Fetvâhane and the religious courts, the news and annoucements of some religious institutions and articles of some effective scholars. While the main language of the journal was Turkish, other languages such as Arabic, Persian and Urdu was being used in case of a certain need. After the acquisition of the journal to ‘Dâru'l-hikmeti'l-Islâmiyye' some important changes happened in the contents and publishing policy. Beginning from the 41th volume of the journal the writings about ‘Dâru'l-hikme' and informative articles by important people of that time increased. The journal was published during a time of wars and dramatical changes in political and social life. Thus the journal was in utmost importance for the scholars and people due to the issues which was guiding for this rapidly changing environment.


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