Two Books on Turkey’s Geography: Turkey’s Economic Geography and Turkey’s Tourism Geography


This study aims to introduce the following books by one of the venerable professors of the prestigious Atatürk University, namely Prof. Dr. Hayati Doğanay:Turkey’s Economic Geography and Turkey’s Tourism Geography.

Turkey’s Economic Geography is a university textbook in terms of its contents. The author had personally remarked that the book was intended for the use of university students studying geography as well as geography teachers and experts planning Turkey's economic resources.

His other book, Turkey’s Tourism Geography, is prepared as a quality textbook for the university courses, “Tourism Geography” and “Turkey’s Tourism Geography” and as such, it fills a big gap in education.

Both of these works serve as fundamental references for Turkey’s Geography. Keywords: Turkey, Economical Geography, Tourism Geography, Hayati Doğanay.

Saliha Koday
Makaleyi indir

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