A Story of A Sufı Path From Shıraz to Bursa: Şevkî Çelebi’s Translatıon of Firdevsü’l-Mürşidiyye


The life story of Ebû İshâk-ı Kâzerûni (d. 1035) has been written by Ebûbekir Muhammed b. Abdülkerim al-Khatîb (d. 502/1108-1109), who was the third sheikh of the Kâzerûnî order. This Arabic hagiography known as Sîrat al-Kazerûnî was translated into Persian by Mahmûd bin Osman in the year 728/1327-28 under the title Firdaws al-Mürşidiyya. The Turkish translation of Persian hagiography of Ebû İshâk-ı Kâzerûnî was made by Şevki Çelebi of Bursa during the reign of Süleyman the Magnificent (1520-1566). Şevki’s translation was an abridgement rather than an exact translation. The presence of Kâzerûnî dervishes in Anatolia can be traced back to the eleventh century. In the Dânişmendnâme, a collective epic work, we find a reference to the banner (‘alem) of Ebû İshak. Kâzerûnî dervishes also took part in the circumcision ceremony of Prince (Şehzade) Mehmed in 1582 with their famous banner.

Keywords: Ebûbekir el-Hatîb, Ebû İshak-ı Kazerunî, İbn-i Hafif-i Şirâzî, Mahmud b. Osman, Şevkî Çelebi.

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